UKFCS e-learning
Making comparisons
(i) Comparisons using 比 , showing what is to be compared
- 我比表弟高。
- 北京的冬天比香港寒冷。
- 我的睡房比妹妹的睡房大。
(ii) 比 can be used to show the difference in quality or degree of the same thing as compared with its earlier period
- 她比两年前胖了。
- 他今天的精神比昨天好得多了。
(iii) Comparison using 比 , showing what is to be compared and by how much (sometimes specific, as shown in the first two examples; other times not, as shown in the last two examples)
- 我比表弟高四公分。
- 我的数学测验得分比树英少五分。
- 表姐比我大一点儿。
- 这座房子比那座房子高得多。
(iv) comparison using 比…更…, or 比…还…
- 我比他更高。— ‘I am even taller than he is’ — implying that while he is tall, I am even taller
- 姨妈比妈妈还胖。— ‘My mother is fat; my aunt is even fatter.’
(v) Comparison using 比 in sentences with a verbal predicate
- 小明唱歌比我唱得好。
- 弟弟学游泳比我学得快。
(vi) Comparison using 跟…一样 to indicate that two things are similar
- 这部电脑跟那部电脑一样旧。
- 这行李箱跟那行李箱一样重。
- 我跟妈妈一样爱吃西瓜。