UKFCS e-learning
The coordinative compound sentence—the component clauses in this type of sentence are equal in importance and there is no subordination in meaning
(i) Sentences using 也 , 一边…一边… , 又…又… , 不是…而是… , etc to refer to or describe different things, states or the different aspects of a thing
- 她是我的同学,也是我的好朋友。
- 哥哥一边弹结他,一边唱歌。
- 表姐又会弹琴,又会画画。
- 今年暑假我不是去香港,而是去台湾。
(ii) Successive compound sentence – each clause indicates that some actions have taken place in successive order. The order of each clause is definite and cannot be reversed
- 他说完话便站起身走了。
- 她做完功课就看电视。
- 爸爸一下班回家,便立即开始做饭。